So a testing time recently with a bout of viral meningitis for me a few weeks ago and now Ava has a displaced fracture of her ulna and radius following a gymnastics accident at Lilleshall.
In between the two above events, I have been away to France, Belgium and Germany taking in Ypres and Thiepval which was great. Its a few years since I've been to either place and it was inspiring.
Ava's injury threatens my attendance at Partizan, so any planned purchases will have to be mail order. Other than the Piggie weekender at the end of November that looks like it for wargames events for me for this year. Colours falls on the day of Ava's birthday party, SELWG falls when Lisa is working and Derby is too close to a work related exam. Warfare maybe a possibility but seeing as Peter Pig no longer attend I may not bother.
Rebasing of my Vietnam continues ready for the new version of Men of Company B. I have painted a load of AWI up and am at the stage of needing to place the next order. Spanish Civil War looks like getting some attention towards the end of the year as Martin is looking at revamping the rules around then.
And finally, my Somme project will need some more attention soon as the weekender creeps up on me. I'm having a bit of a crisis of confidence on the British as I have gone for a light khaki colour for their uniforms which is probably too light compared to the darker colour tending towards a light brown in real life. Not sure what I'm going to do about this...
The Somme boards are in a 'wait' phase at the moment as I do other bits but they will get done. I'm also looking at expanding my trenches from Ironclad Miniatures to cover a 6' table for the large games of Squarebashing. I'll also get enough for communication and support trenches and maybe a frontline trench for the opposition just so that they dont appear out of no where.
No pictures I'm afraid but just a quick update.
More soon....