Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Pirates and PBI

Another fun weekend in Weymouth and Poole. A couple of games of PBI at Entoyment in Poole. I used my raw Russian company, first time out of the box since buying them around 10 years ago! The day was arranged by Miles M and we were to use 1943 forces. I played against two German companies, played by Chris C and Mike H respectively. I lost both games (surprise!) but both were close. A real grind fest in both game.

I fought both of my games on this table which was a lovely with lots of scenery to help with cover but also hinder when it came to the tanks.

Martin and Chris clash somewhere in Burma

Simon and Colin in North Africa

Playtesting Pirates at PPHQ! The off table ship cards have tokens representing a ships relative crew, gun and sail strength. Wind direction plays a really important part. Cant wait to get my ships built and painted.

I'm churning out a load of AWI at the moment. British line, light, American rifles and Indians. It's a long time since I've painted up so much. Enjoying it at the moment. Just wish I could keep up this level of prodution for 6 months or so....my back log would be sorted in no time at all!