It is funny how Napoleonics hasn't attracted me for a long time. Around 13 years ago I did amass armies to refight Waterloo using Principles of War, including a whole Prussian army that never made the field. I put the game on at the Crewe show with around 8 players and we had a great time. I seem to remember we then played the game at the club the following week before I promptly sold the collection to John B. I still have quite a few unpainted figures from that time which I havent looked at since then. Although I am happy to play a Napoleonic game I havent had the urge to collect any figures for myself. Having said that, one of the best hobby blogs I have seen in a long time is this , detailing one mans obsession with 1809 and collecting the armies in 10mm including conversions and some really nice painting.
For now my urges remain with Peter Pig games and figures which scratch my particular itch. I will admit to contemplating some 10mm figures for certain 'side' projects, inspired in part by the '1809' blog. However for the short term I have plans to rebuild my ACW and AWI collections with a slightly brighter painting style. I hope by using my tried and tested method of basecoat and dip and then one highlight, particulalry the AWI will look more eye catching. Aong with the improved basing using the basetex i have utilised on my World War 1 stuff, they should look the business.
Okay, off to navigate our way around Mons.
The above photo is just to show that I do actually get to game occasionaly albeit this was from around March time. It shows Ade D and Keith K slogging it out at Bosworth using Bloody Barons.
More soon....
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