Saturday, 14 February 2009

Man Flu

Down with the dreaded lurgy meaning I can barely get out of bed at the minute. I have had to take time off work for the first time in years which I feel very guilty about. spent today under the duvet watching 'The Man who Would be King' and 'Apocalypse Now redux'.

Cant sleep hence the late post. Thinking of trying to put some paint on metal tomorrow or finish off some basing. So many ideas not enough time. I have plans and ambitions beyond my ability to manage.

A rough buying plan formulated today. I am getting some scenary and a PBI army from Alumwell. Maybe a couple of other bits but nothing major. Likely get a tin of Army Painter Strong tone. Then Triples in April. Peter Pig dont attend this show so other than maybe a book or two, and bits that catch my eye nothing major here. Partizan in May will be a mjor purchase of Samurai, enough to complete two armies adding to the stuff I already have. Maybe the figures for one of the larger scenarios. June is Phalanx but again no Peter Pig so nothing major other than the usual. July and August is a dry month for shows, but September will see 2nd Partizan and possibly a purchase of Hey You in the Jail figures and buildings and maybe Dervish for my PITS stuff.

If there is a PBI or CWB day in Bournemouth this year I will attend come hell or high water. With no AK47 day I will need my annual fix of gaming. If Portbury do a PBI day too I may try and get there as well. Not sure if Peter Pig will hold one of their comps in August (there wasn't one last year). If they do I will do my best to get there as well.

I am thinking of having a mass clear out of fantasy/sc fi stuff that has been lying around for ever. If I can ever get around to getting my backside into gear I will photograph the stuff for ebay and keep the blog updated with progress.

Reading several books at the moment as usual. 'Terrible Swift Sword' by Bruce Catton is my ACW fix. I love his style. The words flow off the page with ease. Also I have 'We were soldiers Once...and Young'. Vietnam action in the Ia Drang valley. Good stuff. Constantly reading my collection of RFCM titles to get to grips. New AK47 is the current favourite , although I dug out Pieces of Eight earlier today for another seed of a plan.

Missed the club again tonight due to the lurgy. Not attended since early December now. The less I go the less motivation I have to make the effort. Going to try and go to bed now without waking my wife who is on earlies in the morning (5.30 alarm).

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