Sunday, 1 November 2009

Day 3

Things continue a pace. I will do a photographic post at the end of the week to show you what I have managed to get done, but judging by the first three days I am going to smash my target.

Today I have been painting all of the various markers for Bloody Barons as well as the Generals. That is a total of 76 foot figures and 4 cavalry for a total of 80 points! That was in two sessions today morning and afternoon. I prepped the Confederate cavalry so they are ready to go tomorrow. That will be another 50-60 points.

To pass the time I listened to a couple of podcasts. Firstly 'D6 Generation' which is a real hoot run by Russ Wakelin, Craig Gallant and Ray 'Hollywood Grainger. Russ used to run the 'Dakka Dakka' website dealing with mainly 40K. The podcasts deals with a whole host of gaming subjects from GW games to board games and everything in between. Although the subject matter isn't always relevant to my interests I find their discussions very entertaining and almost want me to take a look at board gaming a bit more closely.

The other podcast was Worlds End Radio, an Australian GW centric podcast covering all aspects of the GW hobby in a freindly and informative style. Not everyones cup of cha but it certianly helps to fill in the gaps when Radio 5 is slacking.

Music or else background noise has always been important to me when painting. Generally soundtracks like 'Civil War' from the Ken Burns documentary, 'Glory' or 'Cold Mountain' for Civil War inspiration, 'Gladiator' for pretty much anything, 'Saving Privat Ryan' always hits the spot as does 'Platoon'. If not one of these, then Radio 5, 4 or 7 are good for topical discussion, sports commentary or comedy. I rarely paint in silence and when something grabs your attention it does seem to make the painting fly by.

Total today: 80 Total for the Week: 169

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