There is a current trend across the internet to create 'Imagi-nations' based typically around fictional 18th century nations as a basis for table top battles. These harken back to the like of Charles Grant and Peter Young and encouraged building units of 40 or 50 individually based figures almost in a toy soldier style. Of course back in the mid 90's when the first version of AK47 came out you were encouraged to create your own country, giving it a name, a flag and a name for the army such as the Freedom Party for Democracy and Truth. Very much in the 'Imagi-nation' theme. In fact there were tables on which you rolled dice to come up with original names and flag designs, going as far as to encourage you to get your crayons out to draw your new flag. This theme continue in AK47 Reloaded.
Spurred on by the excellent AK Day last weekend, I feel like creating my own Modern Africa 'Imagi-Nation'. I know of only one dedicated blog on a similar theme, set in the ficitional country of Bongolesia. I may create a seperate blog, or just put the occasional post on here. I'll use it to link some games of AK and explore my creative side, whilst hopefully not crossing any boundaries of taste and decency.
More soon...
Interesting, I think there's probably a large group out there who do something similar. I notice that Bob Cordery has started an inter-war imagi-nations blog as well...
Yes there seems to be a real appetite for this sort thing. AK is just the ticket for a post war themed game. Bobs interbellum blog is good reading too.
I've joined Interbellum, but haven't gotten around to posting yet. I'm planning an extended WW1 scenario that turns into a Very British Civil War milieu.
PS: nice blog you've got here, hope I don't lower property values by posting ;-)
VBCW is a great concept that I have thought about doing with Peter Pig stuff. Afterall, the Spanish Civil War, WW1 and early WW2 would all fit right in.
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